Lite (ännu mer) prylar, Perik min bäste kompis var över i USA och hälsa på sin syster, han köpte med sig en accurate SR-12 twinspin till mej. Björn (jobbkompis) vars dotter bor i Australien hon skicka över några Halco Roosta poppers (typ 3 för priset av 1 mot i Sverige, men framförallt i rätt färg) sen köpte jag lite owner swivels från Singapore.
Fiskat något då ? Nää nu har det varit stiltje på den fronten, men om väder och vind är på våran sida blir det en tur till Danmark på fredag med Albanen och Tobbe tjötröv, sen är det nu bara 30 dagar kvar till Værøy.
A little (more) gadgets, Perik my best friend was over in the US and visited his sister &, he bought with him an accurate SR-12 twin spin to me. Bjorn (job buddy) whose daughter lives in Australia, she sent over some Halco Roosta poppers (3 for the price of one against what the price is in Sweden, they were especially all in the right color) then I bought some "owner swivels" from Singapore.
Fished anything? Nah now it has been calm on that front, but if the weather is on our side will it be a tour to Denmark on Friday with Albanian and Tobbe tjötröv, since it is now only 30 days left to Værøy.
A little (more) gadgets, Perik my best friend was over in the US and visited his sister &, he bought with him an accurate SR-12 twin spin to me. Bjorn (job buddy) whose daughter lives in Australia, she sent over some Halco Roosta poppers (3 for the price of one against what the price is in Sweden, they were especially all in the right color) then I bought some "owner swivels" from Singapore.
Fished anything? Nah now it has been calm on that front, but if the weather is on our side will it be a tour to Denmark on Friday with Albanian and Tobbe tjötröv, since it is now only 30 days left to Værøy.
Grymma prylar men röten translate hehe.Vi håller tummarna för fredag
Ja anar att du syftar på att inte "Tobbe tjötröv" inte är översatt till " Tobbe the nagging as" :-) abrazo
RaderaDumbheads funkar åsså hehe